Kanyoni Village, Laikipia County Featured in Al Ahjar Movie Series

On the outskirts of Nanyuki, Laikipia County on your way to the famous Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club lies a village known as Kanyoni. The small village is at the border of Nyeri and Laikipia County adjacent to Kahurura Forest. 
                 Kanyoni Village 
For the last two weeks the village has been the centre of interest in East Africa. A group of movie stars from Cedars Art Productions through the Dreamcatcher Productions Kenya camped there filming an episode of an Egyptian TV Series titled Al Ahjar. The inhabitants of all ages from the young to the elderly got a chance of participating fully in the whole thing. 

Isaack Kiragu one of the boda boda riders stated that; 
✓ A lot of money was pumped to the village 
✓ Talent can pay
 ✓ The village is one of the best  despite all bad narratives against it. 
✓ The movie idea helps encourage, inspire and counsel
✓ Appreciation of culture helps to motivate the people. 
Vehicles belonging the movie crew
Business man Patrick Muriuki stated that the village had attained; 

✓International recognition
✓ Local businesses got promoted (hospitality, transport)
✓ Huge exposure in photography, videography, creativity, art, fashion and dancing 
✓ The negative perspective of the Kanyoni Village has changed. 
✓ Entertainment provided by the movie crew for instance a motorbike jumping over a house. 
✓ Parents were able to realize that there are other careers which their kids can venture into. 
600 members of the community involved in the movie on this day
Bida a businessman noted that there was a high money transaction via MPESA

Recommendation to the government and private sector should join hands in;

1. Nurturing local talents
2. Promoting film industry

Key observation from the general public a proper public sanitation facility is highly needed.


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