Luck or Its Time to Call It Off; The Political Journey Jane Putunoi

Now imagine a female leader from a pastoral community who had managed to fight her way into a rare territory highly dominated by indomitable men. 
Jane Putunoi is a household name in the terrains of Laikipia County and beyond. She deputized Ndiritu Muriithi back in 2013 when he was vying for governor via the ANC Party. Upon failing to clinch the seat she was absorbed into the County Government of Laikipia as CECM where she served diligently up to 2017. She was in the fore front in the re-election campaigns defending her boss Joshua Irungu but unfortunately they lost the race which went up to the supreme court. 

In this case her previous boss Ndiritu Muriithi won. This left Jane Putunoi in the political cold for 5 years when she came back again to vie for the Senatorial seat through UDA Party. Her energy in the campaigns was on another level. The incumbent John Kinyua realized he could not face her via the UDA Party nominations at all. He therefore came up with a plan together with his allies to make sure Jane Putunoi stepped down for him with a promise of being rewarded upon President Ruto's win in the August polls. 

A woman of very high dignity and having been raised in the pastoral community she could not decline the offer because pastoralists are people well known to keep and stick to their words. Little did Jane Putunoi realize that she had been dumped big time. She was part and parcel of the campaign trails, shouting on every stop overs to the microphone engaging citizens to sing "bottom up" and voting suit 100%. She did everything as they say "kujituma". 

Sleepless nights, hunger, endless calls, curiosity and failing to attend family duties making sure that "bottom up" wins. She was part of all this process. Any Laikipian who participates in politics saw all this. 

UDA win was just so sweet, celebrations were all over. Several weeks and months later, a cruel reality started hitting hard, the likes of Jane Putunoi were nowhere to be seen on government appointments. Does it mean Jane Putunoi was not qualified to be a PS, EALA legislator, Nomination to Parliament or a CAS? 

What about the promises made to her when she was requested to step down? Do they still remember them? 

If the leadership is true about empowering women from the minority groups then this leader deserved to be rewarded. 


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